The Mulberry Philosophy

Our Philosophy is Reggio inspired and based on a social constructivist theory that views knowledge as being built by the learner and social experiences. Social discourse and negotiation enable the student to build a personal knowledge base. This strong focus on social collaboration and working in groups helps children feel like equal participants in their learning as their thoughts and questions are valued. Children quickly become competent, capable, and full of ideas as they are driven by their own interests to understand and know more.

Reggio Inspired

The Reggio Emilia approach is an educational philosophy based on the image of the child, and human beings, as possessing strong potentials for development.

Children are a subject of rights who learn and grow in their relationships with others.

Reggio Identity

The philosophy of Reggio Emilia is named after the city in northern Italy in which it emerged after World Wat ll; it prioritizes play-based, hands-on learning over a prescribed curriculum. This approach has three main components:

  1. the image of the child
  2. the role of the teacher
  3. the environment as the third teacher.
Connection to Nature

Nature provides the ultimate sensory experience for children. Consistent contact with nature – with ample time to explore – creates opportunities for children to work together.

They access movable natural items such as branches, rocks, sticks, leaves, and pinecones, which add fresh elements to their play and provides a rich learning experience. Children can be themselves in nature, thus build independence and lifelong skills that help them care for their environment in the future, as well as each other.

Classroom Environments

The spaces in our classrooms are composed of areas designed to stimulate the innate curiosities of your child.  All the senses are engaged and children feel as though they are inside of a home rather than a classroom.

Each child is able to navigate and explore the various environments which are organized to support their growth and different development levels and processes. The teachers at Mulberry help your child blossom as the environments grow along with them.

Outdoor Classrooms

The Mulberry outdoor environment is an extension of the indoor environment. Whether rain or shine, we encourage children to spend time outdoors.

Our open space offers children opportunities for big movement, vigorous social play, and exploration wide and deep and small.

When a child learns outside they have opportunities to take risks, solve new problems, and overcome fears. Unlike traditional classrooms, your child is encouraged to move their entire body and fully use their imagination. They learn the magic of teamwork and tolerance while developing untapped sensory experiences.


Mealtime is an important part of the day and is an extension of the daily curriculum. At Mulberry, we eat family style which provides children and teachers the opportunity to come together and build relationships. Family-style meals offer teachers the opportunity to role model and set an example of healthy eating, conversation, and table etiquette. Children are encouraged to perform as many of the skills involved as they are developmentally able to do. These skills (e.g. serving, pouring, passing) promote fine and gross motor development.

Mulberry believes in healthy nutrition for everyone. We encourage children to try unfamiliar healthy foods and do not allow soda, chocolate, sweets, fast food, or juices of any type. Due to allergies, peanut butter is not allowed. We do not warm up lunches, however, you may bring food in a thermos.