Mulberry Tree Learning Center
Full time private preschool in Whittier, California
Our school is comprised of 85 students between the ages of 2 through kindergarten and includes an after-school program serving kindergarten through 13 years old. Our year-round program is open from 6:30am-6:00pm Monday through Friday.
Launched 35 years ago, we follow the philosophy of theorists such as Vygotsky, Piaget, and Dewey with a mission to refine the practices that come from Reggio Emilia, Italy.
We believe children learn best when they explore and experience, reflect, ask, and discuss. This type of learning is supported by caring adults, and an interconnected system of child, family, and community.

Parent Tours
Monday through Thursday
8am – 11am
No Appointment Necessary
2 years old through Kindergarten.
After-school program for Kindergarten through 13 years old.
The Mulberry Tree environment inspires children.
Our space encourages exploration, communication, and collaboration.

If you need additional information or have an interest in enrollment, please use this contact form.
We are here to assist you.
Children quickly become competent, capable and full of ideas as they are driven by their own interests to understand and know more.
Our philosophy is based on a social constructivist theory that views knowledge as being built by the learner.
Social discourse and negotiation enable the student to build a personal knowledge base.